Truth about Dental implants
There is a lot of myths and wrong ideas ,fears about dental implants among patients .The sad truth is this is more prevalent among the dentists also..
Instead of telling and discussing about the myths and wrong beliefs about implants..we discussed about the TRUTHS ABOUT IMPLANT TREATMENT
1.Implant treatment is simple ,painless procedure
2.It can be done blood less, sewless, painless procedure(flapless technique)
3.It can be done under local anesthesia
4.Most of the patients need only basic Intraoral xray and /or OPG.NO need for any advanced CT SCANS for all patients
5.Implants can be done without expensive,complicated bone grafting procedures
6.Teeth can be given in one day to 3 days .No need to wait for months before getting the teeth
7.Age is not a contraindication for implants provided the patient is medically healthy
8.Implants are affordable know the approximate fees for your condition mail us at
9.No post operative pain , swelling.No need to take rest.
10.Even diabetics,smokers can get implants with success and without any complication
11.Implants are predictable with nearly 100 % succes..that is one of the reason we are giving life time guarantee
12.The life time of implants is more than the life time of your tooth!
13.Dental implant with fixed teeth improve the chewing efficency, improve smile, improve confidence, IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE
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