Immediate Dental Implant after extraction
When implants are placed at the same time as the tooth is removed such a procedure is known as Immediate Dental Implants Placement. Today this procedure is considered standard as it prevents any change in shape of bone and gum surrounding the extracted tooth. It is convenient for the patient as it allows the surgical treatment to be completed in one intervention. Only in few cases, where there is a cyst or abscess in relation to a badly infected tooth, it is better to remove the infected tooth first and allow healing before the implant placement.
A traditional implant treatment involved multiple appointments with treatment extending from 6 months to 1 year:
- Tooth extraction (to wait for 3 months for implant placement).
- Implant placement (if immediate implant, at the same time as of extraction).
- Unloaded healing phase (6 weeks – 6 month).
- Uncovering of implants.
- Prosthetic phase (to wait for 3-6 months for fusion of implant with bone).
With conventional delayed loading implants patients would have to wait for a long time from the beginning to the end of treatment. The patient had to wear a denture until the implants fused with the bone.with today’s new generation implant design and technology,implants can be placed and teeth can be given immediately within 2-5 days
Immediate loading of dental implants can be advantageous in many ways:
- Patient gets temporary teeth on the same day and permanent teeth of ceramic or zirconia in 3 days.
- Time saving
- Cost reduction because patient need not come back again after 3 months.
- At our centre we use immediate implant placement , loading approach in 90-95% of the situation.In very rare situation where bone is extremely less,with heavy infection,delayed implant approach is implemented.
To see more full mouth reconstruction/rehabilitation/replacement cases (before/after photos)
To see cost for full mouth and partial rehabilitation with dental implants
Mr. Ian Mansfield from Australia
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All images on this website belongs exclusively to Best Laser Dental Clinic. All cases presented on this website have been treated at Best Laser Dental Clinic by Best Laser Dental Clinic & Co., all images and videos shown have the patients consent. No distribution is allowed without Best Laser Dental Clinic explicit consent.