Mr.Abdul Aziz Makmun, Malaysia

Look better and feel better:

I am very pleased with treatment i received on 21st January 2014 to 27th January 2014 from Best Laser Dental Clinics, Chennai, India.

Dr. Murugavel and his team, Dr Bala, Dr. Anjali and the rest of the staff really did a wonderful job on my implant and laser gum treatment.

When i came to Best Laser Dental Clinics i had 3 missing front lower teeths n very sick gums.

The whole implant process takes only about 3 days to complete and the cleaning of the rest of the teeths and gum treatment using laser was done for about 5 hours. I had a lot of free times during my stay in chennai.

Now my teeth look better n feels better. No more pain in the night that occurs randomly over the years.

10 stars for Best Laser Dental Clinics, Chennai, India.

Abdul Aziz Makmun